Request Information about ETC

indicates a required answer

Let us know that you would like more information about ETC.  We'll be happy to make personal contact or send you the details about an upcoming Information Meeting.

1. *

Your name:

2. *

Your email address:


Your phone number (optional):


Would you like to be notified of our next Information Meeting?

5. *

Your child(ren)'s grade(s) (check all that apply):

 (1 required)
PreGrammar | Kindergarten or younger Lower Grammar | 1st-2nd grade
Middle Grammar | 3rd-4th grade Upper Grammar | 5th-6th grade
Dialectic | 7th-8th grade (Junior High) Rhetoric | 9th-12th grade (High School)
6. *

What are you looking for from a homeschool group? (check all that apply)

 (1 required)
Homeschool Information Core Classes
Elective Classes Activities such as field trips, etc.
Teen Activities Homeschool community events
Support for Parents

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